When you’re pregnant, being healthy getting the right nutrition is vital for the pregnancy, and thanks to Bump Babes Pregnancy Bars, it is a whole lot easier. Here are my thoughts;

What They Say:

Bump Babe pregnancy bars provide a healthy and convenient nutritional boost to pregnant women in the form of a 50g health bar. Sound nutrition during pregnancy is the cornerstone of a healthy pregnancy and birth. Truly, even more than that, it is the foundation of a lifetime of good health, healthy communities, a healthy country and a healthy world!

RRP: $3.95 (50g) - Available from Select Retailers

What I Say:
The Bump Babes Pregnancy Bars are available for each trimester with targeted ingredients for maximum benefit during your pregnancy. They have been made from raw ingredients that are high quality proteins and fruits rich in antioxidants, and contain no artificial or added vitamins or minerals–perfectly safe for women to consume on a regular basis as well as consuming their pre-natal vitamins.

Common for three different bars is that they all contain the following ingredients; 

  • Chia seeds: Some little facts about these tiny little wonders, they contain almost 5X the amount of calcium in milk & fatty acids essential for a baby’s brain development
  • Acai: can naturally help defend the body against harmful free radicals & removes toxic waste from the body
  • Pumpkin seeds: packs a punch of protein, iron, omega-3s, magnesium, and zinc to boost the immune system & more
  • Dates: pack a power supply of protein & amino acids which have been shown to help with dilation during labour for some women
  • Sunflower seeds: can assist in keeping your heart healthy as you prepare to bring your little one into to the world!

First trimester - T1 Bar – Strawberry & Ginger-Nut

This bar has been developed to help combat morning sickness and fatigue. It contains strawberries, which are naturally rich in folates which have been proven to help reduce premature births & birth defects. It also contains Ginger, which contains all natural anti-nausea properties that can help reduce vomiting, as well as Almonds, which are naturally high in iron and may help prevent anemia & fatigue.

Unfortunately I was well into my second trimester when I came across these Bump Babes Bars, so I cannot really say how effective they were in combatting morning sickness and fatigue – a shame as I was really plagued by both for a couple of months starting when I was about 8 weeks pregnant.

However, regardless, the bar has a lovely strawberry taste, and luckily for me, the strawberry flavor does dominate so the ginger-nut is not so prominent, as that is otherwise not high on my list - but I actually really loved this flavour!

Second Trimester – T2 – Apricot & Coconut


These bars have been designed to boost tissue and cellular development and defend against anemia. They contain Apricots, which are known to contain iron that can help prevent anemia as well as dietary fibres that can help fight constipation. They also contain Coconut, which is rich in anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can help prevent colds, flu and other viruses. This can help strengthen the immune system of the pregnant mum and her unborn baby. Coconut can also improve blood circulation and the cellular development of the baby, the placenta, amniotic tissues, maternal tissues and new blood cells

One thing that plagued me every so often in the second trimester was the occasional constipation, and I believe that it is an issue for most pregnant women, so I do love that the dietary fibres in the form of the apricots have been included. In saying that, I am not sure that just one bar a day would be sufficient to ‘fix the issue’ so I have always made sure to drink plenty of water and eat lots of fresh fruit as well.

These bars taste so lovely, a little tropical if you like, from the combination of the apricot and coconut.

Third Trimester – T3 – Banana, Macadamia & Caramel

These bars for the third trimester have been developed to promote formation of muscles, bones, blood cells & more. They contain among others Bananas, which contain potassium which is known to help maintain regular blood pressure (especially important during the 3rd trimester when some women are at risk of preeclampsia). The bars also contain Macadamias, which are protein rich, and its all been mixed with caramel.

I am lucky that my blood pressure in both my previous pregnancy as well as this one so far, has been perfect. In saying that, I love that its been developed to help nurture and grow your unborn baby.

Of the three bars, the T3 bar is without a doubt my favourite, as the flavor is so delicious with the combination of banana and macadamia and a little fudgy too thanks to added caramel.

However, in general, each of the three bars are so full of flavor and taste great, and I found them all to very filling – so much so that they stopped me from constantly going to the fridge or pantry for another snack. I also love that they are a healthy snack alternative, perfect for in between meals or when you are on the go.

So overall I wish I’d come across these earlier, and if you are pregnant and looking for a healthy snack, then I highly recommend that you try the Bump Babes Bars to nurture your growing bump!

*Product was kindly provided for consideration, and has reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

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