Last week I was so lucky to be invited to the GAP Xmas Workshop Gingerbread & Christmas Ornament Decorating at Chadstone Shopping Centre along with my little 18 month old boy. When I first got the invite, I thought that he would be way too little to be able to participate, but as I quickly discovered, I was very wrong!

The event arranged by GAP at Chadstone Shopping Centre, and the kids can decorate their very own gingerbread people with yummy and colourful treats, sweets and sprinkles.

It took a little while before my little boy got the gist of what to do, but after watching Mummy and the other kids showing him what to do, he was very quickly covered in icing and with smarties and other lollies spread around him, as he was trying to stick on as many as he possibly could.

Afterwards it was time to move to the other table to decorate Christmas ornaments. My little boy did need a little more help here (by probably also because Mummy didn’t want him covered from head to toe in paint), so I did the initial painting of the ornament, while he hereafter decorated it with lots and lots of glitter. In fact, he thought it was so fun shaking the little glitter shakers that the whole table and he was completely covered in glitter afterwards!

Afterwards we went to get his photo taken with Santa at his workshop, but sadly he wasn’t fond of sitting on a strange Santa’s knee, so it was a little tricky getting even just the tiniest smile on his face.

That night when Daddy came home from work he was so proud showing him his creations with a massive smile on his face, and each time he sees his tree decoration on the Xmas tree, he points at it with pride and joy!

So all in all it was a fantastic event, and I am still amazed that it is a free event arranged by GAP. And even in spite of his young age he just had so much fun decorating the gingerbread people and the ornament – and luckily still at such a young age that he had no idea that the decorations were in fact sweets, so he didn’t eat a single one of them (but Mummy made sure to make up for that!!) – So if this event is returning next year, I will be sure to bring my little boy along again, although next year he will hardly be leaving the sweets alone.

*Some images kindly taken and supplied by GAP.

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