How is your bank account looking after Xmas? Mine is certainly looking a bit lean at the moment, and certainly didn’t help that the insurance excess of $700 just came through from when recently backed my car into a tree so the whole bumper had to be repaired, or that we have a huge obstetrician free that is due very shortly.. So I’ve purposely stayed away from the Boxing Day sales this year, as then I simply wouldn’t be tempted. Besides, we’ve probably spoilt our little boy a little too much – felt he deserved it as last year, his very first Xmas was spent at the Royal Children’s Hospital with croup, so we wanted to make sure he had a fantastic Xmas this year!

If you feel you’re in the same boat, for some reason or another, fret not – because my new giveaway will at least make sure that you can start 2015 with the healthiest hair you’ve ever had – thanks to my good friends at bhave, they would like to spoil one very lucky Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter reader with a massive haircare pack with all their best-sellers – which also happen to be my all-time favourites.

You can win: 

This amazing haircare pack has a value of over $200!! Whoa!!!
You can see my full reviews of all these products by clicking the product links below. I tell you, these products are incredible. As a beauty blogger I do get the opportunity to trial more haircare products than most, but after a trial, I always return to my favourite and trusted bhave products!
So what do you have to do to be the lucky winner - simply follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter form below - But make sure you read the rules first..
  • The giveaway begins today, the 1st January 2015 and finishes on the 15th January 2015
  • This giveaway is open to AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS ONLY
  • It is a requirement to follow the Beauty & Lifestyle Hunter by either GFC or Bloglovin
  • From contacted, the winner has 48 hours to respond with their address details. Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in a new winner being drawn
  • Prize pack will be sent directly from bhave, and neither bhave or I will take any responsibility for damaged, lost or misdirected mail.
 God Luck Everyone!