What They Say:
If you're new to healthy living, want to find non-toxic products, or are overwhelmed by the choices available, this is the box for you! We hand pick a range of the best natural, clean living products and pack them up in a surprise box for you to enjoy each month. It has a little bit of everything! The box contains 5- 8 products including in a mix of full sized, travel and sample size products
All products are natural, organic, ecofriendly or ethical, organic food, health food or super-foods, natural and organic skincare and beauty products, wellness, eco home or healthy lifestyle products. What I Say:
I really like the idea of exploring healthier option within both beauty, food, health and home, so I really like the concept of the Notox box where I get introduced to so many new healthier options. If you haven’t seen my review of the May Notox Box, you can see it here. This month’s box arrived in a bright green postage box with a lot of ‘feel good’ little sentences on the lid, such as ‘Love what you do’, Stay healthy & happy’. ‘Dream big’, and ‘Define your own success’, and as always it was full to the rim, and quite heavy too, and these are the goodies I found inside;
We eat lasagne all the time. At least once a week, and especially now that our little boy is starting to eat ‘normal’ food, as lasagne is one of his favourites, and it saves me having to cook a meal for us and another one for him. These lasagne sheets are made from konjac root, which is high in fibre and low in fat, as well they have reduced carbs, are low calorie and gluten free. I have never tried konjac before, and I am not quite sure about these. They are a completely different texture to normal pasta sheets, as they are kind of like a large noodle. I love my traditional Italian lasagne with pasta lasagne sheets, but still being quite adventurous with what I eat, I will certainly give them a go. I am not particularly trying to lose weight, but on the other hand, eating less calories, could mean having a few spare ones for some more fun things (=chocolate ;-)
I love muesli, and if I don’t eat muesli for breakfast I eat porridge, or plain old oats that where I add raisins and fresh fruits to myself. And if I have sweets cravings in the afternoons, and I have a good muesli in the pantry I often snack on it. This muesli contains no preservatives, and is using sun ripened macadamia nuts, grains, bran, currants and sultanas and cranberries all roasted in Australian bush honey. Yum. I cannot wait to taste this.
I have to be honest and admit that I prefer coffee to tea, but I only drink it in the morning in trying to cut down a little. But in winter when it is cold, I do tend to have a cup of tea in the afternoon, although I generally tend to drink peppermint tea or a lemon tea, this will be a nice change, and I like that is naturally caffeine free, and is high in antioxidants and great for headaches, so I wish I’d had this last week when I had a major headache. I have never heard of Vital tea before so it will also be nice to try out this brand.
The only time I use a hand sanitiser is when I’ve had to change my little boys nappy and there is no soap and water nearby, such as when you have to do an emergency stop by the side of the road and make a quick nappy change, then a sanitiser definitely comes in hand. And I like that this one is all natural and not full of chemicals. It uses alcohol to disinfect and apart from that only contains purified water, gelling agent and olive leaf extract, which is also a nice change from the usual products with a long list of ingredients you usually cannot pronounce let alone know what is. only has 4 ingredients, none of which are hard to pronounce. So this one is going into my nappy bag as soon as I’ve used up the current one.
Absolute Organic Chocolate with Quinoa Flakes – Full size, 100g
This chocolate bar was on top when I opened the box, and really made my day. I prefer dark bitter chocolate, so this organic 70% cocoa chocolate bar, is right up my alley. I’ve never tasted chocolate with quinoa before, and doubt that I would have bought this myself, but it is actually surprisingly nice with the crunch, so a pleasant surprise. And I love too that this bar doesn’t have any nasties included – but unfortunately I guess I’d better share it with my husband.
I am not sure I would have bought this myself, but these are really nice. They are made of whole roasted chickpeas seasoned with sea salt and garlic, and as they are high in protein they are a healthy snack when you’re a little peckish. So nice with a healthy alternative, and a refreshing change from the nuts I usually snack on, so will definitely purchase these again in the future.
So there you go, the contents on this month’s Notox box.
And yet again the box has managed to introduce me to some new brands and healthy food options, which being a little conservative with the food I buy at the supermarket I might never have even seen, so I look forward to testing out every single one of them (ups, the chickpeas kinda disappeared as I was writing this..
*This product was kindly provided for consideration, and it has been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.