Product Review: Weleda Baby Calendula Shampoo and Body Wash and Baby Oil

It is hard to believe, but our little baby boy is 9 months old today. How time has flown. He is always such a happy boy, and he is developing fast every day, and although he cannot quite crawl yet, he has mastered the art of commando’ing around, and he can get from one end of the room so quickly these days, that it leaves me with little rest, as I simply need to watch him all the time. And it is only a matter of time before he will crawl too! But it is such a joy seeing him explore the world and grow and develop every day.

And while I’ve heard the horror stories from the other mums in mothers group, we’ve been so lucky that our little boy so far has been spared from skin rash and irritations. But I also always make a conscious choice in the products that we use on him. Here are my thoughts on the *Weleda Baby Calendula Shampoo and Body Wash and Baby Oil;

What They Say:
The Weleda Baby Calendula Shampoo and Body Wash contains carefully selected formulation of beneficial ingredients including organic calendula extract t to gently cleanse delicate skin and make baby hair easy to comb. Precious almond oil helps to prevent dryness. Gentle on the eyes.

Weleda Baby Calendula Baby Oil contains carefully selected formulation of beneficial ingredients, this pure baby oil protects and gently cares for your baby’s skin. Fragrance free.

RRP: Weleda Baby Calendula Shampoo and Body Wash (200ml) $16.95 and Baby Oil (200ml) $22.95

What I Say:
I have never previously tried any products from Weleda, but I like the fact that these baby products are certified Natural products free from synthetic preservatives, fragrance and colourants, and free from raw materials derived from mineral oil. In fact, Weleda strive to source only the finest natural ingredients from biodynamic, organic and wild crafted suppliers.  The products are also formulated to contain high organic levels, and the products contain fragrance of skin-friendly essential oils and anti-inflammatory properties that is perfectly suited to the delicate baby skin. In addition, the products are NATRUE Certified, which is an international non-profit association, where products must contain a minimum of 75% natural ingredients. I like the sound of that, as when it comes to my little boys skin, products just cannot be gentle and natural enough!

The Calendula Shampoo and Body Wash is an all-in-one soap designed to cleanser both hair and skin, which makes it so easy. The wash easily froths up to a soft lather, and as it is so concentrated I need to use only a tiny amount, less than half a teaspoon, to wash my little boy’s hair and body. The wash is to make the hair easy to comb, but as my little boy only still has very short hair, this is still not very relevant, but if you have a little girl with long hair, this will be absolutely perfect. But I do like that it is so gentle on his skin and hair, and that that it is so gentle on his eyes too.

It has a lovely yet very subtle fragrance, and as no artificial fragrance has been added, it comes from the natural ingredients of calendula and almond oil.

The newly launched Fragrance Free Baby Oil is made from 100 certified organic ingredients, and it is such a lovely change to look at an ingredients list and be able to understand what all the ingredients – even being able to read through it without tiring from all the long and difficult to understand words is so nice – I mean, how long are most skin ingredients list these days! Not the Weleda Baby Oil ingredients list. It is plain and simple, containing just two ingredients; sesame seed oil and calendula oil! WOW!

In spite of not containing any fragrance, this Baby Oil does have a slight floral scent, no doubt from the calendula, but as it is so subtle, and it quickly fades, I don’t mind, as it doesn’t disguise that beautiful natural scent of baby skin.

From very early days, I used to give our little boy a gentle massage after his shower or bath, something I believe that he really enjoys. And while he already has perfectly smooth and soft baby skin, Baby Oil gives his skin some needed moisture. The Baby oil is very concentrated, so just a few drops is all that is required to cover his little body, and it is quickly absorbed into the skin, without leaving it feeling greasy. 

What I Like:
  • A 2-in1 product suitable for both skin and hair
  • Super gentle on my little boy’s hair and skin
  • Gentle on the eyes
  • Made from organic ingredients
  • Contain no synthetic preservatives, fragrance and colourants, or mineral oils
  • Baby oil made from just two natural ingredients

What I Don’t Like:
  • I really have no negatives to say about these products, but if I had to be picky, it would be lovely if the Shampoo and Body wash was also fragrance free

Overall, these are really lovely baby products, and even though they has been formulated with sensitive baby skin and hair in mind, there is absolutely no reason why adults with sensitive skin, or those who simply like super gentle products couldn’t use these as well. I will definitely be checking out the rest of the Weleda Baby range.
*These products were kindly provided for consideration, and have been reviewed in accordance with my Disclosure Policy.

Have you ever tried any of the Products from Weleda? Maybe the Weleda baby products? If you have a baby, which products do you swear by?